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Simplify your employee management process with Max Workforce, which offers a powerful self-service platform for your team.

The ability to administer a hybrid work culture is more challenging than ever with employees strewn across locations and premises. Maintaining a single source of truth for all employee information and records is critical.

Time-consuming and manual processes render inefficiencies, impede productivity, and impact overall employee satisfaction.

Max Workforce is your go-to solution to configure and track your employees’ assignments, projects, and other critical information to maximise employees’ efficiencies.


Absence, Attendance & Timesheet Management

In a dynamic business environment, business agility is intricately linked to your employees and their engagement with the organisation. Employees will take time off from work, availing themselves of the various absence plans that the organisation offers. The absence plan must comply with statutory norms as well as ensure work life balance for employees.

Max Workforce allows you to configure various categories of leaves. Empower your employees to manage their time on the go independently without the intervention of HR.

The Max Workforce module helps you to configure absence, attendance, and manage timesheets.


  • Simplify complex leave policies with automation
  • Customise types of leave to trace and record


  • Empower employees with self-service to track their attendance
  • Simplify leave approval through emails
  • Seamlessly track attendance details of employees across different locations round the clock

Time Sheet Management

  • Request, assign, and track employees dynamically with the pre-requisite information to enable smooth business operations
  • Record expenses attached to the activities in multiple currencies, integrated with the Max Pay module

Shift and Scheduling

Managing the work schedules, especially with a global workforce engaged in a hybrid work model, needs an adaptable platform. This flexible solution helps to seamlessly allocate employees based on business capacity planning.

  • Navigate the variability in the employee shifts
  • Manage the various shifts of employees; specify the days or weeks when the shifts are applicable, tag the holidays, and weekly offs to the shift accordingly
  • Optimise time spent on resource assignments with
    bulk uploads of schedules


Travel Management

Travel management is a complex process for any organisation. Max Workforce offers a sophisticated solution that helps you handle all organisation’s planned and unplanned travel needs, whether your employees are local or global, depending on variables like travel policies, hierarchy, eligibility, exceptions, and currencies.

  • Initiate travel requests and make bookings
  • Record travel budgets and upload documents for expense claims
  • Request for services such as stay, transport, tickets, and so on
  • Manage ad hoc travel requests and exceptions


Claims and Reimbursements

A significant part of travel is settling the claims and reimbursements as per the organisation’s policies.

  • Enable employees to track the claims and reimbursements process and facilitate HR approval to reduce TAT
  • Sort, approve and process bills of LTA, -into MAX payroll in a hassle-free manner
  • Configure eligibility against each reimbursement type and set the process for seamless approvals and processing into payroll


A single source for employees to get all queries answered to their satisfaction:

  • Provide self-service support for employees to fulfil all requests or queries
  • Rules to assign the tickets to the concerned person/team
  • Track the productivity and efficiency of the team in terms of resolving the tickets

Resource monitoring is important to keep the project on track and ensure its profitability. Leverage analytics to provide insights on the workflows, monitoring employee attendance, leave, and other factors that will impact the productivity of the project.

  • Create multiple configurations to manage resources through alerts, push notifications, and emails
  • Exceptions and deviations can be monitored and configured for alerts
  • Set reminders for tasks and activities



Max Workforce has been the go-to employee management solution for our esteemed clients. Manage absence, travel, claims, and other activities seamlessly, ensuring easy compatibility with the payroll system, thereby reducing the hassle for your organisation.

HCM Suite

HR Tech Platform

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